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Cooperative Pet Health Insurance: A New Way to Insure Your Furry Friend

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Many of you are probably bringing in a new furry friend into the family. There’s obviously a lot to think about. Food, toys, collars, leashes, ID, bed, crate…the list goes on. And we know you’ll have food covered with Pet Plate. Nonetheless, your pet’s health will definitely need to be attended to at some time in the future.

A vet visit is something that every new pet owner must do. Whether it’s an initial checkup or a minor procedure, a vet visit will have to happen. As your pet grows and bonds with you, it is recommended to visit the vet twice a year. We all want the very best health for our pets, but things don’t usually go as planned and the occasional illness or even worse, an accident may happen.

And all this may put you in a very difficult position. There may be a possibility that in taking care of your pet, you may miss rent, phone bill, or even groceries for the week. Thank the stars that insurance exists! It’s there to cover us when expenses get out of control.

But insurance sometimes has a way of not being there for us. In the case of pets with pre-existing conditions, traditional insurance companies find a way of not covering these conditions at all because it hurts their bottom line. Also, there’s a drastic increase in premiums when your pet gets older; sometimes that increase can be exponential.

We just discovered Eusoh, a pet insurance company all about “The Care We Share”. They’re basically an affordable, cooperative pet health plan. Their platform allows members to join or create groups to share veterinary expenses together.

Here’s how it works:

  1. A subscription to Eusoh costs just $17/month + shared expenses. You can register on their site and access searchable vet services, medication lists, and more. 
  2. Once you join a group, you will need to make a $48 deposit towards shared expenses.Shared expenses will vary by month. And your total monthly cost will never exceed $65/month.
  3. Like most insurance plans, there is a deductible. Eusoh’s annual deductible is $250.
  4. Once you visit your vet for a service, just upload the invoice to Eusoh.
  5. You’ll cover 20% of your vet bill, and the Eusoh community will cover 80%

As mentioned, the $17/month is the subscription. There may be months where there are not many expenses, and that will reflect in your monthly bill. The shared expenses could be just $3 or $15, and it will never be above $48. Over the past year, Eusoh members’ monthly has been in the $25-$33 range. Compare that to traditional insurance, and you’ll be saving 80%!

There are cool, new ways of protecting our pets. And that now goes for pet insurance with Eusoh with their crowd-sharing model. It is certainly worth a try. You can sign up at or download the iPhone app now. Get the first month of your subscription free with this link!

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